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Steve Hilton Interview: EVRWP Joy Miedecke & The Patriot Store

Mark Zuckerberg (former CEO of Facebook) finally admits to what we knew all along. Read his letter to Congressman Jim Jordan. It's amazing how all of the conspiracy theories are coming true.

Governor Newsom thankfully vetoed this bill but how long will it be before another version will be submitted and passed by our incompetent State Legislature?

California Assembly Bill AB-1840 offers first time home buyers up to $150,000 of your tax dollars to purchase a home. Unfortunately, this also includes "qualified" illegal immigrants. How is a person eligible to use taxpayer money when they are in our country illegally? Click on the document to the left to read the amended bill. Read the red-lined text as well to see how this bill has morphed from its original introduction.

Illegal immigrants line up for drivers licenses at a Florida Department of Motor Vehicles. This is an orchestrated attempt by the Democrats to allow undocumented non-citizens voting rights in our elections. The Supreme Court just ruled 5 to 4 to block illegal immigrants from voting in Arizona. Why wasn't the vote 9 to 0? Is this how we want our country to choose its elected officials?

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The State of Oregon no longer has voter polling places. All voting is done by mail and drop boxes. Now they want to create a socialistic program called Universal Basic Income. Click on the photo. This is how Communism starts.

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Wayne Allyn Root
Tells it like it is!

The Biggest Gaslighting Scam Yet!

Kamala is the Worst Candidate in History

Click on the above photos to read Wayne's analysis.
Abstract Lines


Each and every one of us needs to see this movie.

Governor Tim Walz never prosecuted any of the rioters and looters and let Minneapolis burn to the ground.

Now he wants to be our next Vice President.  Do you think he is the right choice for our country?

Please watch it and pass it on to your email friends. The more we DON’T know the more they own us.

Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco tells Governor Newsom and anyone who will listen that California's "Criminal Justice Reform" is an intentional assault on law-abiding citizens. 
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